跟踪者Stalker 第122期:马克暴揍查德(在线收听

 Mark Evans. Heh. Hey. I just met your son. 马克·伊万斯。我刚刚看到你儿子了

See, I wondered if you'd changed, but I knew you hadn't. 我还在想你会不会变了,不过我知道你没变
Leave my family alone.  别动我的家人
There you are. I knew you were in there. 果然。我就知道你会这样
Leave my family alone.  别动我的家人
Mark went after Chad at his shop, turned himself in about an hour ago. 马克去查德的店揍了他一顿,大约一小时前自首了
What do we know about the explosive?  爆炸的事有什么线索
Bomb squad said it was homemade, amateur hour.  拆弹小队说是自造的,业余水平
Trigger device was faulty. Only reason no one was seriously injured or killed. 引爆装置漏洞百出。所以才没有人受伤或遇害
What about the kids?  那孩子们呢
Landon suffered a few shallow lacerations.  兰登有轻微划伤
Neighbor's kid's ok. They're both shaken up. They were really lucky. 邻居家的孩子没事,就是吓坏了。他们真是幸运
He planted a bomb in my backyard.  他在我家后院放了炸弹
He could have killed my son and his friend.  差点害死我儿子和他的朋友
Mark, we can't prove that Chad had anything to do with that device. 马克,我们无法证明那个装置跟查德有关
I don't care what you can prove.  我不在乎你们能否证明
You could be brought up on assault charges. Do you know what that means? 你可能会被以袭击罪名起诉。你知道那意味着什么吗
Jail time. Was cold cocking him worth it? 坐牢。揍他一顿害得自己坐牢,值得吗
I talked to Christina. She's worried about you. 我跟克里斯蒂娜聊过。她很担心你
Told her to take Landon over to her sister's.  我让她带着兰登去她姐姐家了
This isn't gonna end until one of us is dead. It's just how we operate. We? 这件事只有你死我活才能结束。我们就这样。我们?
It's the brotherhood's way.  这就是兄弟会的行事风格
This is going to end when we end it, but you need to be smart, Mark. 我们说结束就能结束,但是你得放聪明点,马克
Your family's depending on you.  你的家人都指望着你呢