跟踪者Stalker 第124期:审问成员(在线收听

 You realize you don't have anything to hold me on.  你手上根本没有证据

We're just talking, a civil chat. Would you like your lawyer present? 我们聊聊,纯聊天,要请你的律师来吗
I'm fine.  不用
Tell me, how'd you get into this life?  来跟我说说,怎么会选择这样的生活
Mark was very persuasive.  马克很有说服力
He showed a kid who got his ass kicked every other day what real power was. 他教会了一个整天被人欺负的男孩什么才叫真正的力量
Shaped me into the man I am today.  是他造就了如今的我
Seems to me like you still respect him, like you still want him a part of your gang. 你似乎还很尊敬他,似乎还希望他在你的组织里
I never turn my back on family. His blood is my blood. 我从不会背叛家人。我们血液相通
Then why'd you try to kill him?  那你为什么要杀他
I didn't.  我没有
If Mark would have found that bomb, he could have been killed, 如果发现炸弹的是马克,他可能会被炸死
and then you would have lost your mentor.  而你就是杀死自己导师的凶手
A bomb is the tool of a coward. I have nothing to hide. 炸弹是懦夫才用的。我很坦荡
I have nothing to run from.  不必逃避任何事
Mark completely rejected everything he taught you.  马克背弃了他教会你的一切
That didn't create a doubt in your mind? That the power he gave you was nothing but air?  这不会让你产生怀疑吗?他给你的所谓力量只是过眼云烟
Never! When I'm surrounded by my pureblood family, I know it's real. 绝不会!如果我周围是血统纯正的家人,我很确定
It wasn't real to Mark. You went to prison, and he left you behind. 马克却不这样认为。你去坐牢,可他袖手旁观