跟踪者Stalker 第125期:审问成员(2)(在线收听

 I know what you're doing.  我知道你在干什么

It's what you subraces try to do... Turn us against each other. 你们这些二等人种就会这招...想挑拨离间
He's not gonna break.  他不会开口
I don't know about that. Give here a minute. 这可说不好。耐心等待吧
All it took was the love of a woman, and you meant nothing to him. 一个女人的爱恋,就能让你在他心里一文不值
He abandoned you to be with one of those subraces you hate so much. That's all it took. 他背弃了你,和你憎恨的二等人种结了婚。就这么简单
Do you know what I see when I look at you?  你知道我看着你会看到什么吗
I see that scared little kid who got his ass kicked  那个每天在学校受尽欺负的小男孩
every day at school, and without Mark there to protect him,  终日担惊受怕,没有了马克的保护
when push came to shove, he turned right back into that little kid. 一旦事态发生变化,他立马会变回以前那个愚弱的小孩
You're wrong! I am stronger than he ever was, and I'm sure as hell smarter than some hab. 你错了。我比他强大得多,绝对比他家下贱老婆聪明得多
Are we done here? Done. 问完了吗?问完了
Back to square one.  又得从头查起了
Cabeza rapada.  臭光头党
What did you say to me, boy?  你说什么,小子
You should learn spanish if you're gonna live in Los Angeles. Adios, Skinhead. 要想住在洛杉矶,最好学点西班牙语。拜拜了,光头党
I'm gonna kill your Mexican ass. You're dead! We need backup now. 我杀了你这墨西哥贱货,你死定了。这里需要支援
Here you go. Yeah. Got him? 铐好了。抓住了吗
You're under arrest for making a threat against a police officer.  你被捕了,罪名是恶意威胁警方人员
Get him out of here. Let's go! This way. 把他带下去。赶紧走,这边