跟踪者Stalker 第128期:活捉嫌犯(在线收听

 You ok? Yeah. 你还好吗?没事

He came out of nowhere.  他突然冲出来了
Why are you protecting him?  你们为什么要保护他
Put the weapon down.  放下武器
He's a Skinhead! He's no better than me! 他是光头党!他不比我好!
Get off him.  放开他
Why are you protecting him?  你们为什么要保护他
He deserves to die. He they all deserve to die.  他就该死,他们都该死
I'm not gonna ask you again. Drop your weapon. 我最后说一遍,放下武器
He's no better than me. He's no better than me. 他不比我好。他不比我好
You ok?  你没事吧
It's not deep. I'll live.  伤口不深,死不了