跟踪者Stalker 第134期:精神分裂症(在线收听

 I wrote you a song.  我给你写了首歌

I want to play it, but first, you need to know that it was inspired by your eyes, 我想弹给你听,但首先你要知道,是你的眼睛激发了我的创作灵感
A soft blue like the ocean.  你的瞳孔是柔和的蓝色,像海洋般深邃
Stop it. No. He won't like that. It's too cheesy. 别说了,他不会喜欢的。太俗了
No. No. Adam-Aadam likes romance. He needs to know how I feel, so... I love you. 不不,亚当喜欢浪漫。他需要知道我的感受,所以...我爱你
There! I said it, and you need to know that...be quiet, please. 你看,我说出口了。你必须知道,请保持安静
Be quiet. This-this is very... very, very important, and you're trying to ruin it. 保持安静,这件事...非常,非常重要,你却试图破坏气氛
What if he just doesn't know?  如果他不知道怎么办
Well, what if he loves me, too, and I'm... Please love me, too. 如果他也爱我,而我...请爱上我
Please, Dr. Lewis. Damn it! Stop it! 求你了,路易斯医生。可恶,快停下
She's hearing voices? Schizophrenic. Who is she? 她有幻听的症状吗?精神分裂症。她是谁
Claudia Burke, music major at USC until she was forced to drop out due to low grades. 克劳迪娅·布尔科,南加州大学音乐系学生,但由于成绩太低被强制退学
Stopped taking her meds.  不再吃药了
You have an address? Want to take a field trip? 你有她的地址吗?想去实地考察一番吗?
Sure. Why not?  好啊,为什么不呢
No. I didn't want to go. I'll just sit here and do...stuff. 不,我一点都"不想"去。我就待在这里,做事情吧