跟踪者Stalker 第138期:盘问克劳迪娅(2)(在线收听

 We found the note that you left for Dr. Lewis. 我们发现了你给路易斯医生留下的字条

Telling him that it was his fault, he drove you to it.  说这一切都是他的错,是他逼你自杀
It's not true! I never wrote that.  不是的,我从来没有写过这字条
So you never left him gifts, followed him to phoenix? You're not in love with him? 你没有送过他礼物,没跟踪过他去凤凰城吗?你没有爱上他吗
I-I did those things, but he told me to stop, and I did. I was being good. 我都做过,但是他让我不要这样,我就住手了。我表现很好
Not last night. You went to his office.  昨晚可不怎么样,你去了他办公室
That wasn't me. Then who was it? 我没有。那是谁
The same person who wrote that phony suicide note.  就是伪造自杀字条的人
I was home. You can ask my neighbors. I got into a nasty argument with them. 我昨晚在家,你可以问我的邻居。我跟他们大吵了一架
They don't properly bag their garbage. It creates this cat problem. 他们垃圾总是不好好装袋。这样会引来很多野猫
Don't talk to me now. She doesn't understand. 别跟我说话。她不明白
I never wrote that note. I write everything by hand. 那字条不是我写的。我一向都是手写
You have to feel the words. You can't do that with a computer. 手写才能感受到文字的魅力。电脑传达不了这样的情感
What's the last thing that you remember?  你记得的最后一件事是什么
I was talking to Jesus when someone came up behind me in my kitchen and grabbed me. 我在跟耶稣说话,有人来到厨房从身后抓了我
Everything went black, and I woke up here.  等我醒来之后,就到了这里
I thought it was Billy or Tina, but it wasn't. You know, they say it was a stranger. 我以为是比利或蒂娜,却发现不是。他们说是陌生人
Do people attack you all the time?  人们经常攻击你吗
Usually just with words. This is the first time they've ever left bruises. 一般是语言攻击。这是他们第一次在我身上留下伤痕