跟踪者Stalker 第146期:约见雪莉(在线收听

 I've been sober for a year. See? 我已经一年没喝酒了。你看

I don't think a one-year chip's gonna hold up in court. 我不觉得一年的清醒奖牌在法庭上能证明什么
Where were you last night, Shelly?  你昨晚在哪儿,雪莉
At a late AA meeting. You can call my sponsor. She was there. 深夜匿名戒酒会。你们可以打给我的保证人,她也在场
Your husband claims you never went to rehab.  你丈夫说你从没去戒过酒
I'm not surprised. Jason will say pretty much anything to further his agenda. 我不觉得惊讶。杰森为达目的什么都会说
Which is? He's a control freak. 什么目的?他是控制狂
When I told him I wanted to stop drinking, he did everything he could to sabotage me. 当我跟他说想戒酒,他不惜一切代价阻碍我
That's funny. He said the same thing about you.  真有意思,他也是这么说你的
You can ask anyone at New Springs Recovery.  你们可以去新生活康复中心随便问
When Jason came to visit, he brought a soda cup filled with vodka and tried to trick me into drinking it. 杰森来探访时,他带来了一个苏打杯,里面装满伏特加,试图骗我喝掉
What'd you do? I had to cut ties. 你后来怎么处理。我不得不切断联系
He wasn't interested in getting sober, and he hated that I'd stopped drinking. 他对戒酒没兴趣,也不喜欢我戒酒
I'm gettinga telephonic search warrant and having units meet us at the Walkers' house. 我要申请搜查通话记录,让警队在沃克家和我们碰面
If what Shelly says is true, Jason lied.  如果雪莉说的是实话,杰森就撒谎了
She's the one who went to rehab. He never got sober.  在戒酒的是她,他才没戒过酒
Shelly was his drinking buddy. When she got into rehab, it just have felt like a complete betrayal. 雪莉是他的酒友。她开始戒酒,感觉像是背叛了他
In his drunken mind, he became convinced that Dr. Lewis was the cause of all his problems. 他被酒精荼毒,开始相信路易斯医生是造成他困扰的根源
Dr. Lewis ruined his life. Now Jason wants to ruin his. 路易斯医生毁了他的生活。杰森想要以牙还牙