跟踪者Stalker 第154期:公交司机报警(在线收听

 A woman did all this?  一个女人干的吗

She knew how to fight.  她懂格斗术
Martial arts, judo?  武术,柔道
Some kind of karate chop mess. She surprised me. 有点像空手道。她偷袭的我
I thought she was gonna kill me. If that guard hadn't have come when he did... 我以为她会杀了我。要不是保安及时赶到...
How long has she been stalking you? About two months? 她跟踪你多久了?差不多两个月吧?
Why didn't you report it?  为什么没上报
I was too embarrassed. Told some of the guys at work. 我觉得太丢人了。我也跟几个同事说过
They laughed at me, said I should be flattered like I can't get a woman. 他们都笑话我,反说我应该感到荣幸,好像我没女人缘似的
You told the responding officer  that you couldn't see her face.  你跟执勤警官说没看到她的脸
Yeah. She was wearing a hat.  对,她戴了顶帽子
In your report, you said that a female passenger's been stalking you. Tell me about her. 你的报告里说,有一位女性乘客一直在跟踪你。跟我说说她
Her name is Nora. I don't havea last name. 她叫诺拉。我不知道她姓什么
She rides every day, gets off at 3rd and Wilcox. 她每天都会乘车,在三大道和威尔考特斯大道交口下车
Works at a dry cleaners nearby. She's...been hot for me for a while. 在附近的一家洗衣店工作。她喜欢我有一段时间了
Explain what you mean.  解释一下
What? A woman can't be hot for me? Look. I know I'm just a bus driver... 怎么了,不能有女的喜欢我吗?我知道我只是个开公交的
That's not what I mean, sir. Describe her behavior towards you. 我不是那个意思,先生。请描述一下她对你的行为
She always sits in the first 3 rows 她总是坐在前三排
Makes eyes at me in the mirror, and that's how it started.  通过后视镜向我抛媚眼,就这样开始了