跟踪者Stalker 第157期:来到诺拉的店铺(在线收听

 You're not supposed to be back here.  你们不该到后台来

Nora Garcia? Detective Lawrence and Detective Larsen. 你就是诺拉·加西亚?劳伦斯警探,拉森警探
We need to speak to you about Henry White. The bus driver? 我们要跟你谈谈亨利·怀特的事。那个公交车司机?
He was attacked last night, got beaten up pretty badly. 他昨晚遭到袭击,被痛扁一顿
Big guero like that should be able to handle himself in a fight. 像他这种白人爷们应该知道如何正当防卫吧
What happened to your hand?  你的手怎么了
I burnt it on a steam iron. I do it all the time. So? 被蒸汽熨斗烫到了。这种伤是常有的事,怎么了
Where were you last night?  你昨晚在哪
Wait. Are you accusing me of something?  等等,你们是在指控我吗
No. Henry is. He thinks that you attacked him because he rejected you. 不,亨利指控你。他觉得你因为被他拒绝而袭击他
That fat ass. Where were you last night? 那个死胖子。你昨晚在哪
I was here, working. Was anyone with you? 我在这工作。有人和你一起吗
Yeah. Leon was here. He's in the back if you want to talk to him. 有,里昂也在这。他在后面,如果你们想和他谈谈的话
Nora, we know you had sex with him and he rejected you.  诺拉,我们知道你和他做爱后被拒绝了
Come on. It happens to all of us at onetime or another. Admit it. 拜托,这种事谁身上没发生过啊。快承认吧
Ok, ok. But usually, I'm the one who dumps the guy. 好吧,好吧。不过一般都是我甩男人
I don't get Henry. He's no prize. 搞不懂亨利是怎么回事。又不是什么好男人
Anyway, he changed his routes. I haven't seen him since. 后来他改变了行车路线,我就再没见过他了
We'll need to verify your alibi. Where's Leon? 我们需要核实你的不在场证明。里昂在哪
Leon! She's a live wire. 里昂!真是个精力充沛的人。