跟踪者Stalker 第159期:新的嫌疑人(在线收听

 I didn't even know she was in the room.  我都不知道她在屋里

She came up behind me, she put me in a choke hold. 她从我背后冲上来,锁住了我的喉咙
I couldn't breathe. I thought she was gonna kill me. 我无法呼吸。我以为她要杀了我
Then what happened?  后来呢
She spun me around, and I saw her face, but it wasn't Nora. She looked crazed. 她把我转过去,我看到了她的脸,但不是诺拉。她看上去很疯狂
Can you describe her?  你能描述一下她的相貌吗
About 5'5", same size as Nora. She was wearing all black. 大概一米六五,跟诺拉身材一样。穿着一身黑
Do you know her?  你认识她吗
Yeah. I don't know her name, but she rides the bus. For how long? 认识,我不知道她叫什么,但她也坐我的车。坐了多久
I don't know. Sometimes, she sat next to Nora.  我不知道,她有时会挨着诺拉坐
On your route, where did she get on and off the bus?  在你的公交线上,她在哪里上下车
She never really had a specific stop. She always just rode all over the city. 她没有特定的下车地点。她总是坐车满城晃
Why is she doing this to me?  她为什么要这样对我
We're gonna find out, I promise.  我们会查出来的,我保证