跟踪者Stalker 第160期:查无头绪(在线收听

 Henry's got a clean record.  亨利没有任何犯罪记录

Any beef with co-workers?  跟同事之间有摩擦吗
No. No complaints from anybody. Everyone seems to really like him. 没有,从没有任何人投诉过他。大家好像都很喜欢他
He played baseball in junior college and went out on an injury, but he's been a bus driver ever since. 他大专时打过棒球,后来因受伤退出了,之后就一直当公交司机
Never been married, no whack job ex-girlfriends that we know of? 从没结过婚,也没查到什么疯狂的前女友吗
No. I talked to his family and friends.  没有,我跟他的家人和朋友聊过
He doesn't come across as someone with enemies.  大家都觉得他不是个会树敌的人
We ran her prints from the crime scene, but nothing came up in the database. 我们查了在犯罪现场提取到的指纹,但是数据库中没有匹配的结果
Most female stalkers don't target strangers. It's usually someone they've had previous contact with. 大多数女性跟踪者不会以陌生人为目标。通常都是她们之前接触过的人
She concealed her identity during the first attack, but then showed her face during the second one. 她第一次袭击的时候隐藏了自己的身份,但第二次袭击时却露了脸
That was a brazen thing to do. Gave her a bigger high. 这是很肆无忌惮的举动。让她觉得更加刺激
Maybe she doesn't care about getting caught.  也许她不在乎被捕
Maybe she wants to get get caught.  也许她想被抓到
I went back and looked at Henry's wounds from the first attack.  我又回头看了一下亨利第一次受的伤
She knew where to land the punches and kicks. I mean, she hit him right in the solar plexus. 她知道该朝哪下手。她直接打中了他的腹腔神经丛
That knocks the wind out of you.  这会一下子让人喘不上气来
Anything from the bus yard surveillance cameras?  公交停车场的监控录像有收获吗
They were cut, but I'm getting the daily footage from inside Henry's bus. 摄像头被切断了,但我可以拿到亨利车里每天的录像
Now that we have her description,  现在我们知道了她的相貌
let's go through the footage and see if we can establish any kind of pattern or routine. 再对比一下录像,看看我们是否能找出什么规律