跟踪者Stalker 第162期:逃避布鲁迪(在线收听

 Thanks. Morning. Good morning. I got a callfrom central station. 谢谢。早。早上好。中央警局来电话了

A hair stylist was attacked by a woman matching our stalker's description last night. 昨晚有位发型师被人袭击,袭击人符合那位跟踪者的体征描述
Looks like we have a serial stalker.  看来是个连环跟踪者
But she's gone from male victim to female victim. There's no pattern. 但她跟踪的对象已经从男性转为了女性。没什么规律
Her psychology doesn't track.  她的心理说不通
Janice and I will take the interview.  我跟詹妮丝去询问案情
Sure. You ok? Yeah. You seem distracted. All good here. 好,你还好吗?是啊。你似乎有心事。没什么
Hey, beautiful. Hey, Brody. 嗨,美女。嗨,布鲁迪
I called you, left a couple of messages.  我给你打了电话,还留了言
I'm sorry. It's been crazy busy today.  抱歉,我今天都忙疯了
I've been thinking about you.  我一直在想你
I've been thinking about you, too.  我也一直在想你
I miss you is all. You free tonight? 我只是很想你。你今晚有空吗
Um, one of our managers called in sick, so I'm gonna be here late. 一个经理请病假了,我得待到很晚
We've had late nights before.  以前也在深夜见过
Not tonight. I've got early morning shift, too. Please understand. I'll call you later. 今晚不行,我明天还有早班要上。请你理解。我回头打给你