跟踪者Stalker 第175期:法网恢恢(在线收听

 S.I.D. just sent this over. It's marked "Urgent." Good news? 安全识别组送来了这个。标了"紧急情报"。是好消息吗?

Cori. What's going on? 科妮。怎么了
There's something I want you to see. Ben. 我想让你亲眼目睹这一幕。本。
Right this way.  这边
What is this?  怎么回事
We collected your DNA from the botanical gardens.  我们在植物园采集了你的DNA
We ran it through our database, and we got a hit. 在资料库里搜查后,有匹配结果
A 15-year-old Northridge girl was raped after a high-school base ball game. 北岭区的一个15岁小女孩在高中棒球赛后被强暴了
That's your thing, right, raping under age girls, 这是你的癖好,对吧,强暴未成年少女
and this one falls within the statute of limitations,  这案件仍在法定时效内
and I'm guessing that if I keep digging  我猜如果继续查下去
other girls will surface and more changes will be brought against you. 会找到更多的受害者,到时候你身上的罪名会越来越多
You are done. We got you.  你完了,我们抓到你了。