

New Words:

eye: vt. 注视,看

motivate: vt. 刺激;使有动机;激发…的积极性

Fitbit: 智能手环


severe: adj.剧烈的;严重的

separation: n. 分离,分开;

anxiety: n. 焦虑;渴望;

I was at my college gym working out. A cute guy was eyeing me. He walked up, whispered in my ear, your pants are inside out.


Bought a Fitbit so I can motivate myself to walk and workout. Instead I put the Fitbit on my four year old brother that just runs around all the time. That week I won the Fitbit challenge against my friends.


In high school my friend worked at Dairy Queen. She wanted to lose weight but didn’t like the taste of slimfast, so she mixed it with ice cream every day at work.

