疑犯追踪第4季 第9期:困境(在线收听

 Why didn't you just tell him? 你为什么不告诉他?

These are bad guys. 那些是坏人。
We're in over our heads. 我们应付不了的。
Let me handle this, Ben. 让我来处理这个,本。
I built this store. 这店是我一手建立的。
I won't be bullied. 我不会屈服。
This is not the old country, dad. 这里不是我们的故国了,爸爸。
You can talk to the police. 你可以跟警察说。
Talking to the police is what got us in this mess. 就是跟警察说了才让我们陷入这个困境。
I will mind my business. You will mind yours. 我会管好自己的事。你管好自己。
This is Link. 我是林克。
Leave a message. 请留言。
I fixed it. 我修复好了。
Meet me in Times Square. 时代广场碰头。
I'll give you a phone that works. 我会给你能用的手机。
So what's this Egyptian guy have to do with my DOA? 这埃及佬跟死者什么关系?
Felix was in a gang called the Brotherhood. 菲力克斯是黑帮"兄弟会"的一员。
Near as I can tell, they're forcing Ali to build some kind of private phone network the cops can't tap. 据我所知,他们逼迫阿里建立警方无法监听的私人电话网。
So they're meeting in Times Square for more privacy? 所以他们要去时代广场见面,冲着更多的清净?
For the people. 冲着人山人海。
There's too many signals. 那里信号太多。
NYPD can't pinpoint who's calling who. 纽约警察无法分辨电话来源。
Ali's smart. These guys are, too. 阿里很聪明。这些人也是。
Old man. The network should be up and running. 老东西。网络应该可以了。
Because of the tall buildings, the battery drains quickly. 因为高楼,电池耗得很快。
You need an extra battery pack. 你需要一个备用电池。
Dominic wants signal from the East River to the Hudson. 多米尼克要信号覆盖范围从东河到哈德孙河。
That will take a little bit more time. 那要多花点时间了。
But you can check the signal up to five blocks east. 不过你现在能检查往东边最多五个街区的信号。
Stay here. 等在这儿。
I'm gonna call you in five. 我五分钟后打给你。
This better work. 最好管用。
Ali's tracking Link's phone. 阿里在追踪林克的手机。
Keep an eye on him. 盯紧他。