美国小学英语教材4:第174课 贵族骑士 罗兰(6)(在线收听

 Although Roland saw nothing but the food, the watchful eyes of the great king had seen everything. 虽然罗兰德除了食物什么也没看到,但这位伟大的国王却看到了一切。

His servants would have seized the boy, but Charlemagne said, "Do not touch him. 他的仆人本想抓住他,但查理曼却说:“不要碰他。
Tomorrow we shall dine here again. If the boy returns, bring him to me." 明天我们还要在这里吃饭。那孩子若回来,就带到我这里来。”
Roland hurried joyously to his mother with the food. 罗兰兴高采烈地拿着食物匆匆赶到母亲身边。
The next day he came again just as the king seated himself at the table. 第二天,当国王坐在桌旁时,罗兰又来了。
A crowd of poor people stood around, waiting to receive bread and meat. 一群穷人站在附近,等着领取面包和肉。
Roland again walked to the table and gathered up as much food as he could carry. 罗兰又走到桌边,尽可能多地收拾食物。
Before he could turn away, however, a voice said, "Come here, my boy." 他还没来得及转身,一个声音就说:“过来,孩子。”
A servant led Roland to the head of the table, 仆人把罗兰领到桌子的前面,
and the little boy with his arms full of food stood before the great king. 小男孩抱着满满的食物站在伟大的国王面前。
Charlemagne looked kindly at him and said, "If you are hungry, my child, sit down and eat as much as you want." 查理曼和善地看着他说:“孩子,如果你饿了,坐下来想吃多少就吃多少吧。”
"You are very good," said Roland, “你真好,”罗兰说,
"but I cannot wait. I must take this food home at once to my mother." “但我等不及了,我必须马上把这些食物带回家给我妈妈。
The great king smiled as he heard these words. 伟大的国王听到这些话时笑了。
"Who is your mother?" he asked. “你妈妈是谁?”他问道。