《摩登家庭》第1季第1集 第6期:穿白衬衫告白的后果(在线收听

 Go. He's got a birthday party. 去吧 他还要去参加生日会呢

What's more important here, Dad? 哪个更重要 爸爸
You can shoot him afterwards. He'll be home at 2:00. 你可以之后再射他 他两点就能到家
I can't shoot him at 2:00. I'm showing a house at 2:00. 两点不行 我两点还得带人去看房子
What about 3:00? No, he's got a soccer game at 3:00. 三点吧 不行 三点他有足球赛
And then- Oh, we gotta leave for that dinner thing at 5:00. 然后我们五点就得去赴宴
4:15. You could shoot him at 4:15. 4点15吧 你可以在那时候射他
Yeah, I guess that works for me. Oh! 行 那个时候我有空
"Shoot Luke." Sorry, dude. It's on the calendar. 射卢克 抱歉 记入日程了
Oh, come on! 别这样啊
I'm quitting soccer. It is a game for children. 我不想踢足球了 那是小孩玩
No, you're not quitting. 不 你不能放弃
You would have stopped that goal 对方之所以会进球
if you weren't staring at that little girl. 完全是因为你光顾着看小女孩了
She is not a girl. She's a woman. 她不是女孩 她是女人
You know, Gloria, that little blowup with that other mom 歌洛莉亚 你犯得着非要和
Why do you have to do things like that? 那个妈妈吵架吗
If somebody says something about my family,  如果有人说我的家人
I'm going to I'm just saying. 我一定 我只是说
You could take it down here a little bit. That's all. 你火气应该小一点 就这样
Oh, yeah. 'Cause that's where you live, down here. 没错 你总是这么忍气吞声的
But I live up here! Yeah, but,  可我咽不下这口气 可是
you don't have to be so emotional all the time.That's all I'm saying. 我只是说 你别那么容易激动嘛
Manny, you're with me on this, right? 曼尼 你也这么觉得吧
I wanna tell Brenda Feldman I love her. 我要告诉布兰达费德曼我爱她
Oh, for God sakes. Manny, she's 16. 天啊 曼尼 她都16岁了
Oh. It's okay for you to take an older lover? 你不就找了年长的对象吗
Hey, watch it. I wanna go to the mall where she works. 嘿 说话注意点 我要去她上班的商场
But first I need to get my white shirt, the silk one. 不过我先得换上我的白衬衫 丝绸的那件
Okay. If that's what you really want to do. 好吧 如果你真想这么做的话
Seriously. Not to be the evil stepdad,  说真的 不是我要当恶毒的后爹
but if you put on a puffy white shirt... 可你要真穿着那臃肿的白衬衣
and declare your love for a 16-year-old,  去向16岁的姑娘告白
you're gonna be swinging from the flagpole 你会被扒得只剩条白内裤
in your puffy white underpants. 然后被吊在旗杆上
Stop the car. Oh, where are you going? 停车 你去哪儿.