《摩登家庭》第1季第1集 第10期:用诗歌泡妞(在线收听

 Brenda Feldman. 布兰达·费尔曼

What is that? A poem I have written for Brenda Feldman. 你拿的什么  我为布兰达·费尔曼写的诗
Of course it is. 不用想也知道
I put my thoughts into words and now my words into action. 我将心事化为文字  将文字用于行动
Hey, I'll give you 50 bucks not to do this. 你取消行动的话  我就给你50块钱
I'm 11 years old. What am I gonna do with money? 我才11岁而已  要那么多钱干什么
What are you gonna do with a 16-year-old? 你这年纪要16岁的花姑娘又能干什么
He's like a bullfighter.  Mmm. You ever see a bullfight? 他就像个斗牛士  你见过斗牛吗
I can't watch this.  You're in such a bad mood. 我看不下去了  我知道你心情不好 
And I know why. It's because that man thought you were my father. 我也知道原因  因为那人以为你是我爸爸
No.  Yes. 不是的  就是
No.  When you say "No" like that, it's always "Yes." 不是  你这样否认时  就代表是
Come on. We're in the mall. 别这样  我们都到商场了
Let's get you, like, some younger clothes. 给你买点年轻的衣服吧
There's a store there.  I don't need any younger clothes. 那边有家店  我不需要年轻的衣服
And I don't care what some jackass 我也不在乎那些
in a pair of ripped jeans thinks about me. 穿着破牛仔裤的混蛋如何看我
Good. You shouldn't. 没错  你不用在乎他们
You should only care what I think. 你只要在乎我的想法就行了
I love you, and I don't care how old you are. 我爱你  我不在意你的年纪
So stop being a gloomy goose and stop being so hard on Manny. 所以别郁闷了  对曼尼也别那么凶
The only reason I'm hard on Manny... 我对曼尼严格只是因为
Is just because I don't wanna see him make a fool of himself. 我不想让他出洋相
And I can smell that hair goo of his from here. 我从这儿都能闻到他的发胶味了
Look, I don't know what's gonna happen to him over there. 我不知道他那里会发生什么
But you're his family now, and that means only one thing- 可你是他的家人  这就意味着
You be the wind in his back, not the spit in his face. 你只可背后送春风  不可当面唾其脸
What? -It's something my mom always says. 啥玩意  -这是我妈常挂嘴边的话
It's gorgeous in Spanish. 用西班牙语说很华丽的 
Look, he's there. 瞧  他来了