《摩登家庭》第1季第2集 第11期:摆乌龙的老爸(在线收听

 You're making me look really bad here. 你让我多丢人呐

I told mom you were ready for this. 我跟你说了你自己能管好的
It's just a scratch,dad. 只是一道刮痕啦 爸爸
That's not the point,luke... what? 那不是重点呐Luke...啥?
I scratched it on my way into the driveway. 我骑上车道的时候刮了一下
I'm sorry. 对不起
So...It's not stolen? 就是说...没被偷?
No. Why? 没啊 为什么这么说?
That's good,'cause... 好事儿啊 因为...
There are bad people out there who would steal a bike. 外面有坏人会偷车呢
Those are thieves. 他们叫做偷车贼
You sit there and think about the scratch part. 你在这里好好反省一下那个刮痕
That's not good,either.I gonna fix that step. 那也是不好的哟 我真的要修那台阶了
So don't scratch anything while I'm gone. 我走的时候别再刮任何东西了
Unless it itches-- that's different. 除非觉得痒--那种刮是不一样的喔
The good news is,luke has his bike. 好消息是 Luke的自行车还在
More good news... 好上加好的是...
I taught some random kid a valuable lesson . By stealing his bike. 我用偷车的方式给某个小孩上了人生的一堂课
Best news... claire knows nothing. 而最好的就是...Claire还不知情
So,I figure I'll just dump the new bike 所以我盘算着我能把新买的车放回
Where I stole the first bike. 我偷车的地方
That way,random kid gets his back, 那样的话 那小孩能拿回自行车
And this new bike doesn't rais a lot of embarrassing questions, 而这新车也不会遭来很多难堪的质问
Like why I had it 像为什么会拥有它啦
Or who boosted who through a bedroom window. 又或者是某人把某人从房间窗口扔出去
So,everybods happy. 总之就是皆大欢喜