《摩登家庭》第1季第4集 第1期:不打架不正常的两姐妹(在线收听

 Shh, shh, shh! What's wrong? 嘘 怎么了

Why aren't they trying to hurt each other? 他们竟然没有吵架
I don't know,but I'm afraid to move. 不知道 我都不敢动弄出动静打扰他们
you're really good at this. Thanks. 你玩得真好 谢谢
What is happening,claire? 到底怎么回事 Claire
Mmm. What do you think? 你觉得怎么样
Now, that is a scone. 这才是烤饼
No butter, nonfat. 没有黄油 没有脂肪
Shut up. 不可能
I'm gonna go check on lily. 我去看一下Lily
Surprise! 不速之客
Mom! 妈妈
What's that? 那是什么
Sounds like a bird hit the window. 听上去像是鸟撞到了窗户
Oh, god,that's a bad sign. 天啊 那可是不祥之兆
Ow! That hurt, jerk! 很痛啊 混蛋
Ow!I'm gonna kill you, stupid! 我要杀了你 蠢货