《摩登家庭》第1季第4集 第8期:我不是你爸爸(在线收听

 Boy 孩子

Things with your mom got pretty intense down there, huh? 你和妈妈关系有点紧张啊
All like east coast/west coast. you feelin' me? 简直就像东部队战西部队 你懂我的意思吗
Act like a parent, talk like a peer. 有家长的威严 如朋友般的关系
I call it "peerenting." 我称之为 朋友般的家长
I learned it from my own dad  我从我父亲那里学来的
who used to walk into my roomand say, "what's up, sweathog?" 他经常去我房间对我说 你好啊 苦学生
Honey... 亲爱的
I would love to let you go to the concert. 我也想让你去听演唱会
Are you kidding me? i think concerts are rad. 我可没开玩笑 我觉得演唱会非常不错
Hello! i was a hall-raiser. A what? 我以前也是"霍香" 什么
I followed hall & oates around the country one summer. 我曾经一整个夏天 追随霍尔与奥兹乐队环游全美
"rich girl" just spoke to me. "富家女"让我不能自拔(霍尔与奥兹的一首歌)
I was dating this girl.not -- not dating. 我简直就像她约会 不能算约会
I guess i was following her, too, kind of. 到处最着她跑...算是吧
Okay, mom just doesn't trust me,and it's not fair. 妈妈就是不相信我 这不公平
She trusts you. 她相信你
It's just that weird stuff happens at concerts. 只不过经常会有不好的事情在演唱会发生
Boys get urges. 男孩子们变得冲动
Dad, is there something you want? 爸爸 你到底有什么事
Yes, there is -- 我有
to connect with this girl right here. 我要和眼前这位姑娘交流一下
Now, come on. pretend i'm not your dad. 现在 假装我不是你爸爸
We're just a couple of friends kickin' it in a juice bar. 我们只是朋友 在一个果汁吧里
What's a juice bar? 什么是果汁吧
Okay, a malt shop,whatever. 好吧 那就汽水店 随便
dad, i don't -- no. who's dad? 爸爸 我不...不对 你叫谁爸爸
Who's dad? I'm -- 谁是爸爸 我是...
I'm marcus from biology. 我是生物课上的那个Marcus