《摩登家庭》第1季第4集 第9期:成长的声音(在线收听

 hey, haley. Haley 你好

how's it going with you and dylan? 你和Dylan怎么样
has he tried anything inappropriate with you...girl? 他有没有对你 做什么不好的事情啊...小姑娘
no, nothing. just talking to some dork i met in a malt shop. 没什么 我在和一个汽水店碰到的白痴聊天
hey, mitchell. what's up? Michell 怎么了
hey, just --just in the hood. 没事 就是顺路拜访
so, do you --do you remember how mom gave up a career to raise us? 你还...你还记得妈妈 放弃工作把我们养大吗
promising career. 非常有前途的工作
oh, god. 天啊
mom. 妈妈
why so long? 为什么这么长
mm, i know. i know, it's weird when we haven't talked for a while. 我知道我们这么长时间不联系会有点怪
i mean your hair. 我是说你的头发
well, if i can't tell you,who will? 如果我不对你说 还能有谁
so, mom wants you to know that she's very sorry about the incident 其实妈妈想让你知道 她对于那件意外很抱歉
and -- and she wants us to forgive her. 而且...她想让我们原谅她
oh, very nice of her to say that through you. 通过你来说 她可真有诚意啊
do you see? 看见了吧
the sarcasm is so hurtful -- like a whip. 她的挖苦可够伤人的啊 就像是被鞭子抽一样
yoow how growing up, we l have that voice inside our head 你知道在我们的成长过程中脑海中都会有一个声音
that tells us we're not good enough? 告诉自己 我们做得还不够好
well, mine was outside my head,driving me to school. 可对我来说 这种声音却像一只...不对 一堆苍蝇 嗡嗡嗡嗡 逼着我去上学
so--so,anyway,mom really wants to smooth everything over with dad and gloria, 总之...妈妈真的想要修复和爸爸以及Gloria的关系
so i was thinking, would it be okay if she maybe joined us for dinner tonight? 所以我在想 或许她可以参加今晚的聚会
because it may be the last time you ever see me. 因为或许这会是你们最后一次见到我