《摩登家庭》第1季第7集 第5期:篮球是属于我的运动(在线收听

 What are you guys doing? 你们要干什么?

Pursuing excellence. 追求卓越啊
We made a list of areas the boy might excel at,and... Baseball. 我们把男孩擅长的地方列了张表 得出的结论就是...棒球
Love it.Yeah. 我喜欢 好啊
I read it only takes 10,000 hours to achieve excellence. 我读过 只要10000小时 就能变得出色
You've already got,like,what,how many hours playing ball? 你已经打了多少个小时啦?
Well,i played,like,one season. 我玩了一个赛季了
So,like,6,000 hours? 差不多6000小时吧
Yeah,i can see why you ruled out math. 我知道你为什么排除学数学了
Claire: yeah,of course i want luke to be successful. 我当然盼望Luke会变成功了
But i don't think that a parent can just force that. 但我想为人父母不应该强迫孩子
I think you just have to have faith that the kid's gonna find his own way. 抱有一份望子成龙的信念就够了
Besides,luke already is the best at something -- being my son. 而且 Luke成为我儿子 已经过人一等了
It sounded aot less lame in my head. 这话儿在心里可没那么俗
I have got a good feeling about this. 我有种强烈的感觉
This is gonna be your sport. 这是属于你的运动
Last year,you said basketball was my sport. 去年你说篮球是属于我的运动
Look,i've said a lot of things i wish i could take back,but i can't. 我说了很多我想收回的话 但这不可能
What i  can  do is be the dad you need me to be to help you become masterful. 我作为父亲能做的 就是让你很出色