《摩登家庭》第1季第9集 第15期:选的老公都奇怪(在线收听

 Is he okay?  Can we see him? 他没事吧  我们现在能探望他吗

He's in with the doctor right now. 医生正在给他诊治
These things happen, right? 这种事就是常发生的  对吧
No matter how careful you are. 不管你多么的小心
Hey, look what Grandpa gave me- a crossbow. 嘿  瞧瞧外公送了我什么  十字弓
Sweetie, that does not look safe. - Don't worry. 宝贝  那东西看着不安全啊  -别担心
He's gonna show me how to use it. 他会教我怎么用的
That's what... I'm afraid of. 那正是  我担心的地方
Come on. Ready? 快过来  准备好了吗
Oh, my God. You are not making comb sheaths. 噢  老天  你不会是在做梳套吧
I am, and I know. It's really lame. 我就是的  我知道的  又老套又无趣
Everybody hates it. 每个人都讨厌
No. It's just like, uh, Donna Rigby's party. 不  就像是当年唐娜·瑞格比的派对
Exactly! Yes! And I have the beads and everything. 就是啊  太对了  我这边小珠子什么的都有
Amazing. This is awesome. 太棒了  真是太棒了
So... Cam's a clown. 所以  小卡是个小丑哈
Yeah. 是啊
I totally got you. - And there's mine. 我绝对射到你了  -那是我家那位小丑
You think it's weird 你有没有觉得很怪
that we both chose people who were so- uninhibited? 我们姐弟俩找的对象都  -自由不羁吗
I was gonna say "Embarrassing," But yeah. 我本想说令人尴尬的  不过你说的也对