《摩登家庭》第1季第10集 第7期:给小费(在线收听

 Um, wait, wait. Um, please, 等等  麻烦您

uh, let me give you a little something... 让我给你些小费...
for your troubles. - No, that's okay. 感谢你过来帮忙  -不  没关系的 
Gosh. Really? Okay. -Do you really live in your car? 天啊  真的吗  -你真住在车里吗
Yeah. It's not so bad. 是啊  不过也没那么糟糕
It's pretty roomy since the wife moved out. 我妻子搬出去后  就宽敞多了
Why don't you come over to our place for dinner tonight? 不如你今晚到我们家来共进晚餐吧
Seriously? - Yeah. It's Christmas Eve. 你当真  -是的  今晚可是平安夜
Y-You can't spend it in your car. 你总不能在你的车里过吧
Wow, that's really nice of you guys. 你们可真是好人
Listen, can I bring anything? 我要带些什么吗 
Ketchup, soy sauce, straws? 番茄酱  酱油  吸管
We're good. 我们都有的
So, uh, why don't you follow us to our house? 那  你可以跟在我们车后面去我们家
Okay. In your house. 好的  开着你的"家"
All right! 好的
Cameron. - What? 卡梅隆  -怎么了
Okay. Tonight, 9:00 sharp, 万事俱备  今晚9点整 
we open one present each. 我们各自打开一份礼物
Pajamas- which we sleep in. 睡衣  我们就穿着睡觉
Tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.M., Manny, 明天早上7点  曼尼
on the stairs for the Christmas picture. 站在楼梯上拍圣诞照片
Then we open presents. 然后我们打开礼物
In Colombia, 在哥伦比亚 
they open presents at midnight and stay up till morning. 人们午夜时打开礼物  然后一直守夜到早上