《摩登家庭》第1季第10集 第12期:打散工(在线收听

 Guess what? Christmas is still canceled. 猜猜会怎样  圣诞节依旧取消

That's fine by me. 我是无所谓的
Let's start working on next year. 我们明年再过吧
Hey, and memo to New Year's Eve... and Easter- 别忘了还有除夕  复活节  都不过了
Watch your back! 小心点
So, after I left the marines, I just kinda traveled the world. 我从海军退役后  算是开始环游世界了
Now I go from town to town picking up odd jobs. 现在我游走在各城之间  打些临时工
Oh. Kinda like the Hulk. 有点像绿巨人
That's weird. That was my nickname in the corps- 真巧啊  那正是我在部队时的绰号
'cause of my bad temper. 因为我的暴脾气
Anyway, thanks for having me over, 不管怎样  谢谢你们请我过来
having me for dinner, letting me do my laundry. 请我吃晚饭  帮我洗衣服
It's not been a good day. 今天本来很不顺
Um, Scott, I-I have a confession to make. 斯科特  我有事要跟你坦白
Um, I didn't, uh- 我没有
I didn't clean the lint tray, 我没有清洗洗衣槽
so, um, your clothes might be a little pilly. 所以你的衣服可能会沾上些毛
Oh, no problem. That's the least of my worries. 没关系  我不在乎
Thanks for everything. You guys made my day. 谢谢你们做的一切  我今天很开心
It's the least we could do. - What do you mean? 至少可以以此补偿你  -什么意思
I don't know... what I was saying. 我不知道我在说什么