美国小学英语教材4:第176课 贵族骑士 罗兰(8)(在线收听

 Roland's New Home 罗兰的新家

Soon Roland was telling his uncle how he loved to play soldier on the hillside. 不久,罗兰告诉叔叔,他喜欢在山坡上扮演士兵。
"Will you come to live with me, Roland, and learn to be a real soldier?" asked the king. “罗兰,你愿意和我一起生活,学习成为一名真正的士兵吗?”国王问。
"Will Mother come, too?" asked Roland anxiously. “妈妈也会来吗?”罗兰焦急地问。
"Yes, your mother will come, too, and we shall all live together in a great palace and be very happy." “是的,你妈妈也会来的,我们会住在一个大宫殿里,在一起快乐地生活。”
"May I take Oliver with me?" asked the little boy eagerly. “我可以带奥利弗一起去吗?”小男孩急切地问。
"We cannot take him with us, Roland," said Charlemagne, after Bertha had told him what great friends the two boys were. “我们不能带他一起去,罗兰,”查理曼说,伯莎已经告诉他这两个男孩是好朋友。
"But perhaps Oliver's father will bring him to see you some time." “但也许奥利弗的父亲会带他去看你。”
This comforted Roland a little, and when his uncle told him that he would have a horse to ride and a little sword of his own, he was very happy. 这让罗兰感到些许宽慰。当叔叔告诉他,他要骑马,还会佩戴一把小剑时,他非常高兴。
So when Charlemagne returned to France, Roland and his mother went with him to live in the palace. 查理曼大帝回到法国后,罗兰和母亲随他一起住进了皇宫。
As the years passed, the boy grew tall and strong, and he learned to use the sword and the lance. 时间一天天过去,罗兰变得又高又壮,还学会了使用剑和长矛。
He hoped some day to be as brave a soldier as his uncle, and often begged the king to let him go with the army. 他希望有朝一日能像叔叔那样做一名勇敢的士兵,并经常请求国王让他随军出战。
At last Roland was old enough to ride out with the knights who followed Charlemagne. 罗兰终于长大了,可以跟随查理曼大帝的骑士们去作战了。
In his first battle the young hero saved his uncle's life. After that whenever King Charles went to war, Roland went with him. 在第一次战斗中,这位年轻的勇士救了叔叔的命。此后,每当查理曼国王开战,罗兰都会跟随他参战。
Soon he became known over all the world for his great deeds. The king was proud of his brave nephew, and the soldiers would follow wherever he led. 很快他就因自己的伟大功绩而闻名于世,国王为有这样勇敢的侄子感到骄傲。无论他去哪,士兵们都愿意跟随他一道前行。