美国小学英语教材4:第178课 贵族骑士 罗兰(10)(在线收听

 Charlemagne sat silent for some moments. 查理曼静静地坐了一会儿。

Then he called his warriors around him and said: "King Marsilius has sent messengers to me, bringing rich gifts and asking me to return to France. 然后他召来身边站的勇士们,对他们说:“马西利乌斯国王差遣使者来见我,带了许多礼物,恳请我撤军回法国。
He promises to follow me there and never more fight against me. Tell me what answer I should send him." 他答应会跟随我去法国,永远不再与我对战。我应该怎么回答他。”
As soon as Charlemagne had finished speaking, Roland exclaimed, "My advice is, fight on!  France will never be safe until Marsilius is conquered." 查理曼话音刚落,罗兰便喊道,“我的建议是,继续战斗!除非把马西利乌斯打败,不然法国永远不会安宁。”
The great king bent his head, but did not answer. 查理曼大帝低下头,没有作答。
Then a knight named Ganelon rose and stood before him. 一个名叫加尼隆的骑士起身站到查理曼面前。
"Roland is young and talks foolishly," he said. 他说:“罗兰年纪小,净说些愚蠢的话。”
"Listen not to him. Let us accept the offer of King Marsilius and end this long war, so that we may return to our homes." “不要听他的,我们接受马西利乌斯国王的提议,结束这场漫长的战争,那样大伙就可以回家了。”
Then all the knights cried out together, "Ganelon has spoken wisely! Let us end this war!" 随后所有的骑士们都一起喊道:“加尼隆说得对!我们结束这场战争吧!”
"Tell me, then, whom shall I send to carry my message to King Marsilius?" asked Charlemagne. “那你们告诉我,我应该让谁捎信给马西利乌斯国王呢?” 查理曼问道。
"Let me be your messenger," said Roland. 让我做您的信使吧,”罗兰说。
"You must not go," cried Oliver. "The Saracens may put you to death. I will go." 奥利弗喊道:“你不能去,撒拉逊人可能会把你杀死,让我去吧。”
"Neither of you shall go!" cried Charlemagne. "You are both too young." “你们两个谁都不能去!”查理曼大声喊道,“你们都太年轻了。”
At this there was silence; then Roland spoke again. "Let Ganelon go. He is wise, and he will do the errand well." 一片寂静之后,罗兰再次说道:“让加尼隆去吧,他很聪明,一定能把任务完成好。”
At this all the knights cried out, "Roland is right! Let Ganelon go! Let Ganelon carry the king’s message!" 所有骑士随即喊道:“罗兰说得对!让加尼隆去!让加尼隆做国王的信使!