《摩登家庭》第1季第11集 第18期:时间越长愧疚感越多(在线收听

 I'm sorry. I really- 对不起  我真的

Honey, I just need a little bit of time. 亲爱的  再给我点时间释怀
Gonna be fine.  Okay. 我会没事的  好吧
Yeah. Okay. 恩  好吧
I was already fine with it. 我早就想开了
Here's the deal: Claire messed up. 哥在下一盘很大的棋  克莱尔搞砸了
She owed me. 她欠我的
This never happens. 千年难得一遇的好事
Old Phil has a golden ticket. 老菲尔金牌在手啦
Now, I could have cashed that in right away for something small- 现在  我可以立刻兑换些小恩惠
get out of cleaning the garage, a week at circus camp. 不用打扫车库  去参加一周马戏团夏令营之类的
Still fresh. Yeah. 记忆犹新  知道
But the longer you hold on to it, the more the guilt builds, 但是拖得越久  她愧疚感越多
the more you get. 哥得到的也就越多
Five years: Trip to Paris with my buddies. 拖五年  和弟兄们去巴黎旅行
Ten years: Sweet little convertible. 拖十年  漂亮的敞篷车
Twenty years: 拖二十年
Hello, fully articulating, five-function robot... 你好啊  语言表达清晰  全功能的机器人
that can read my mind and has feelings. 能读懂我的思想  有自主感觉
Phil, you're not leaving without saying good-bye, are you? 菲尔  你不是打算不辞而别吧
Hey, Elaine. 嘿  伊莱恩
Is this your husband?  Uh-huh. 他是你老公吗  是啊
Good-bye, Paris.  I'm visiting my sister... 再见了  巴黎 我来探望我姐姐
and he was entertaining us all afternoon with his card tricks. 他一下午就在那玩魔术牌逗我们开心