《摩登家庭》第1季第12集 第3期:木偶逼近(在线收听

 Okay, ready to go. - Make sure you pee first. 好了  可以走了  -你先尿一泡吧

What am I, seven years old? 怎么  当我是7岁小孩吗
No. You do not want to go during the show. 不  你在演出中途去厕所会被鄙视的
The marionettes stop what they're doing, 那些木偶会停下动作
march to the edge of the stage and point at you. 行进到舞台边缘  然后指着你
Okay, that sounds terrifying. - No, it's really funny. 好吧  听着好吓人  其实很搞笑
Oh, one of my favorite childhood memories 我最美好的童年记忆之一
was attending the Moscow Marionette Theater. 就是去看莫斯科木偶戏剧团的演出
I grew up one mile away from Missouri's largest waterslide. 我老家离密苏里最大的水上滑道只有1英里远
And third largest in the country. 那是全国第三大的
Oh, really, Cam. You never mentioned that before. 是吗  小卡  以前从没听你提过呢
You feel like- - Feel like a torpedo. 你会感觉  感觉像鱼雷一样
Hey, Cam, does the gardener usually work on Saturdays? 嘿  小卡  我们家园丁通常周六来工作吗
I don't know. He comes when we need him. 我不知道  我们需要他时  他就会过来
He's like Batman but straight. 他就像是蝙蝠侠  不过是直男
Is he crying? 他是在哭吗
Oh, yeah. We should probably go out the back, huh? 是啊  我们或许  该从后门出去
He's clearly in pain. 他显然处于痛苦中
How can you just turn your back on a friend like that? 你怎能如此冷漠对待一位朋友呢
A friend? Really? What's his name? 朋友  是吗  他叫什么名字
Caesar Salazar. 凯撒·萨拉扎
You made that up. You were gonna say "Caesar Salad." 你瞎编的吧  你准备说"凯撒沙拉"的
Was not.  Cam. Come on. Really? 才不是呢  小卡  别  不是吧你