《摩登家庭》第1季第12集 第12期:我们很幸福(在线收听

 Yeah, unlike your big problem, 是啊  跟你的大问题不同

"My boyfriend's too nice to people." "我男友对人太热心了"
No, see- mmm- that's not all it is. 不  其实并不仅仅是这样
He helps animals. 他喜欢帮助小动物
He's always volunteering for things. 他总是参加一些志愿活动   
Trust me. It-lt's worse than it sounds. 相信我  真实情况比听起来严重多了
Who are we kidding? We both got it pretty good. 我完全懂你  我们都面临类似的难题
Hell, I'm probably fighting with your mom 老天  我可能和你妈较劲儿
more than I'm fighting with Gloria on this thing. 比我现在跟歌洛莉亚较劲儿还厉害
A bird fell out of a tree 小鸟从树上掉下来  
and he fed it with an eyedropper. 他会用滴眼药水的管子去喂它
Just drop it, kid. 别说了  儿子
We're both with people different from us, 我们的爱人都跟我们不一样
and that's gonna create stuff, but you want different. 那样肯定会产生矛盾  但你想要的就是不同的人
Your mom and I were perfect on paper 你妈和我各方面都很般配  
and you know how that ended. 你也知道最后的下场
What I got now is a lot better. 我现在拥有的要好得多
Sure, people look at us sometimes. 当然  外人会对我们侧目非议
And sometimes even I can't believe we're together. 有时候我也不相信我们竟然在一起了
But we're happy. At the end of the day 但我们很幸福   归根到底  夜晚来临时
There's no one I'd rather come home to. 我只想回到她的身边
You mean Gloria. 你是说歌洛莉亚吧
Who else? 不然还能有谁
No one. 没谁
I'll see you later. 晚些再见了
See you, kid. 再见  儿子