《摩登家庭》第1季第13集 第7期:抓住恋爱机会(在线收听

 Phil Dunphy.  Hey, it's me. 菲尔·邓菲  嗨  是我

Hey.  Listen, I've got a bunch of moms over here... 嗨  听着  我这儿有很多妈妈
who wanna watch the talent show DVD, 她们都想看选秀比赛的DVD
and I can't get the sound to work. 我调不出声音来
Is there a picture? Yes. 有图像吗  有
Be honest. Did you do that thing where you get frustrated... 说实话  你是不是像每次受挫的时候那样
and you start pressing all the buttons? 开始狂按各种按键了吧
No. 没有
I have a theory that Phil installs... 我觉得菲尔在家里
overly complicated things in the house... 装那些操作复杂的要死的东西
just so he has an excuse to talk to me like a child. 就是希望把我当小孩训
Last month, it was the thermostat. 上个月是自动调温器
The snowflake button makes it cold, cold, cold 雪花按键降降温
"Set temperature" makes it hold, hold, hold 温度设置恒恒温
The little flame makes it hot 小火苗按键升升温
This is so humiliating. 太丢人了
I am sorry. It's okay. 对不起  没事
He just seemed so mature online. 他在网上给人感觉很成熟
How could I be so stupid?  You're not stupid. 我怎么会这么傻  你不傻
"Stupid" is not following your heart and taking a chance on love. 不跟着感觉抓住恋爱的机会才叫傻
I mean, what kind of 11-year-old talks like that? 你看  哪个11岁小孩能说出这样的话
Manny's an old soul. 曼尼内心很成熟