《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第14期:回顾车祸(在线收听

 Hello? Mrs. Patterson. 你好  帕特森太太

Hi. I've been waiting for your call. 嗨  我正等你电话呢
Yeah. Uh, is there any chance that maybe we could talk a little bit- 嗯  我们可不可以再仔细谈一谈
No, no, no, no. Now's perfect. That's fine. 没没没  挺好的  真挺好的
I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. Let me just close my office door. 不好意思  我这边吵  等我把办公室门关上
There we go. Much, much better. 好了  能听清了
Okay. Maybe, uh, we should go over the accident one more time. 我们再来回顾一下车祸的情形吧
Put the dogs on a row. You're such a good lawyer. 一丝不"狗"地分析  你真是个好律师啊
Uh, I just wanna make sure 我就是想确保
we're 100% clear on exactly what happened. 一定要搞清楚真实的情况
Oh, we're clear. I told you. 已经很清楚了啊  我跟你说了啊
What? You don't believe me? 怎么  你不信我吗
No, no. I just- 没  没  我只是
You know, sometimes you can forget tiny details. 你知道  有时候会漏掉一些细节嘛
Like, is it possible, maybe, uh, you were driving too fast? 比如  有没有可能  是你开太快
-Who said I was driving fast? -Yeah, who? -谁说我开太快了 -对  谁说的
I just-I'm looking at the street, 我看着街上
and I'm thinking if you were driving a little fast, 就想  如果你开得很快的话
it's possible that maybe you 你就有可能
- didn't see the car - You're like everyone else, huh? -没看见那车  -你也跟他们一样 
You blame the Latino driver. 一切都是我们拉丁人的错 
Where I come from, they always blame the Latino driver. 在我们老家  总是把错都推给拉丁司机
Where you come from, isn't everybody a Latino driver? 你们老家不是所有司机都是拉丁司机吗
- Manny, tell him. - I can't 'cause I have a cupcake in my mouth. -曼尼  你跟他说 -没法说啊  我吃蛋糕呢