《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第1期:情人节(在线收听

 Happy Valentine's Day. 情人节快乐

Oh, happy Valentine's Day. 情人节快乐
So, Fratelli's tonight? 那今晚去弗里特利餐馆咯
Hello, cannoli canoe. 我来了  奶油糕饼
I like it. Nice fit. 我喜欢  很合身
Swanky material. 面料时髦
Jay, you look so strong and sexy. 杰  你看起来又壮又性感
Like an Olympic wrestler, but with money. 像个奥运会摔跤健将  同时又是个款爷
- Your turn. - Okay. -到你的了  -好的
This is my favorite day in America. 情人节是我最喜欢的美国节日
Happy Valentine's Day, gorgeous. 情人节快乐  美女
They're huge! 好大啊
- Oh, my God. - Yeah, those will work. -我的天啊  -是啊  肯定好看
- Beautiful. - You can wear 'em tonight. -真漂亮  -你今晚戴着吧
I have a surprise. 我准备了惊喜
Don't tell me you're finally taking me salsa dancing! 莫非你终于要带我去跳莎莎舞吗
And who's David Brenner? 大卫·布伦纳是谁
Only a Vegas legend. 拉斯维加斯的传奇人物
Is he a magician? 'Cause I love magicians. 他是魔术师吗  我可喜欢魔术师了
He's a comedian. 他是个喜剧大师
A comedian? It's Valentine's Day. 喜剧大师  可今天是情人节啊
I thought we were going salsa dancing, not to watch a comedian. 我还以为是去跳莎莎舞呢  别去看喜剧嘛
You're gonna love him. Trust me. 你会爱死他的  相信我