《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第2期:真爱(在线收听

 Haley's just in the bathroom. She'll be back in just a minute. 海莉在浴室  她一会儿就回来

Thank you. 谢谢
Where were you pointing it?  At the TV. 你刚才把遥控器对着哪  对着电视
This- 这
Honey- Uh, no. I'm sorry. 亲爱的  不  我不是在笑你
It's-It's a home theater. 不过这是  这是家庭影院
What, so I can't point it at the TV 所以呢  我看电视的时候
when I want to watch the TV? 不应该把遥控器对着电视吗
No. You point it at the receiver. 不  你应该对着接收器
What's a receiver? 什么是接收器
Okay, imagine our home theater system is a human body. 这样吧  你把家庭影院想象成人的身体
So then the receiver is the brain. 接收器就相当于大脑
The TV is the face. I know what part you are. 电视就是人脸  我知道你是哪部分
So he says to his wife, "you don't love me anymore?" 所以他对他妻子说  你不再爱我了吗
His heart- boom! 他的心脏受到了重创  
Quadruple bypass. Blown a valve. 心脏搭桥手术白做了  瓣膜撕裂
Hey! Look who it is.  Hey. There he is. 嗨  看看这是谁  嗨  是你啊
What a coinkydink. 好巧哟
I was just getting some flowers for Gloria 我在给歌洛莉亚买花
for babysitting Lily. 感谢她临时照顾莉莉
You want me to take 'em to her? 你想让我帮忙带给她吗
I would, but I have the most hilarious card for her at home. 谢了  但是我给她准备的爆笑卡片在家里
It's- It's a hunky Antonio Banderas type 上面是一个像安东尼奥·班德拉斯那样
in silk boxers. 穿着平角短裤的性感熟男
And on the inside, it says, "thank you for last noche, 里面写着  谢谢昨夜春宵一场
but I can't find my pantalones." 只是裤子寻不着
I'm not doing it justice, really. 是我说的不好