《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第4期:一成不变(在线收听

 Oh, my God. 天呐

I love it. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. 爱死了  这是我见过最漂亮的东西
Seriously, you gotta put a black light on it. 你得用紫外灯照着看看
It'll blow your mind. 会美得让你犯晕呢
Wow! Dylan, I didn't know you could paint. 迪兰  原来你还会画画啊
Oh, I didn't. I just took a photo 不不  我只是照了张照片
and I put it through this program 然后用软件处理了一下
that turns it into a painting. 就把它变成画了
So you two actually did... 所以你们还真的做过
- that. - Uh-huh. -那个  -嗯嗯
Yeah. 是啊
Let's go put this over my bed. 我们把它挂在我床头吧
Not- No, no. 不行  不行
You don't need to be in the bedroom at all. 那东西不能进你闺房
I'll take it. 我替你保管
Did he trump me? D-Money. 他比我浪漫吗  迪迪仔
You tell me. He made a painting out of a photograph one time. 你说呢  他把一张照片做成了一幅画
I have hand-picked a card, 而我只是送一张贺卡
drawn a heart in the steam on the medicine cabinet, 偷偷在浴室的镜子上画一颗心
and taken Claire to Fratelli's, 然后带克莱尔去弗里特利餐厅
a family-style Italian restaurant, 去吃意大利家常菜
for 17 years in a row. 17年来一成不变
Yeah, he got me. He got me. 毫无疑问  他比我浪漫多了