《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第8期:童子军(在线收听

 Mind if I join you? 能坐你旁边吗

I'm Clive. Clive Bixby. 我叫克里夫  克里夫·比克斯比
Yes, I can see that. I'm Juliana. 我看到了  我叫朱莉安娜
So, Clive, you in town for a convention, 克里夫  你是来这儿开会的
or do you just forget your name a lot? 还是只是老记不住自己的名字
Pretty kitty has nails. 性感小野猫爪子挺锋利嘛
I like that. 我喜欢
I'm in town for a trade show. 我是来参加交易会的
I design high-end electroacoustic transducers. 我设计高级电声转换器
Wow, that is very... 那可真是
specific. 特别啊
It's a fancy way of saying I get things to make noise. 意思是我能让东西叫出声
So, what's your story? 那你呢
Miss America Pageant in town? 你是选美佳丽吗
You're a pretty smooth talker, Clive. 你跟女人搭讪很顺溜啊  克里夫
I'm pretty smooth all over. 我全身上下都很"顺溜"
Sir, there's no smoking in here. 先生  本餐厅禁止吸烟
Oh, that's fine. I'm not actually a smoker. 好的  其实我也不抽烟
You're quite the Boy Scout, Clive. 你真像个小童子军  克里夫