《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第10期:天生的自信(在线收听

 Do you have eyes on her? Is she here? 你发现她了吗  她在这儿吗

Two o'clock- blonde at the back table. 两点钟方向  坐在后排桌子的金发女生
Yep. I have a visual. 明白  发现目标了
Let's not talk like that anymore. Over. 别再用这种军事用语了  完毕
Okay, this is it. I'm off to win the heart of my beloved. 好  就这么干  我要去赢回我的爱人
Well, this is nice. 这真是件好事
I mean, if we can't have our own Valentine's Day, 如果没法好好过自己的情人节
it's nice that we can give somebody else one. 能帮别人过个好节也不错
All right, Cam. I'm sorry. 好吧  小卡  对不起
I'm sor- I'm sorry I have not been attentive. 我很抱歉  忽视了你的精心安排
I've been spending the last five months... 过去五个月来
pouring my core beliefs 我呕心沥血
into the greatest speech that I will ever write, 写出了自己最棒的讲稿
and then that moment gets taken away. 但一切努力却付诸东流
Hey, buddy. How'd it go? 老弟  情况如何
I can't do it, not while Durkas is there. 我做不来  德卡斯在那儿呢
He has the natural confidence. I admire it and fear it. 他有种天生的自信  我对他又敬又怕
We will deal with him directly. We need a plan. 我们会搞定他的  我们得计划一下
Could you be more dramatic? 你敢再戏剧化一点吗
We need a plan. 我们得计划一下
In Oregon, 在俄勒冈州
the state legislature ratified a, uh, bill... 立法会颁布了一项法令
that from now on 规定从今往后 
it is a crime to have sex in Oregon with a farm animal. 人和动物发生性关系将被视为犯罪