《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第16期:老了也不会嫌弃(在线收听

 Do you think I'm so shallow 你以为我如此肤浅吗

that I'm gonna leave you when you're old? 你老了我就会抛弃你吗
What if I gain a hundred pounds? You gonna leave me then? 如果我胖了100磅  你会抛弃我吗
- No. - What's with the pause? -不会  -你怎么犹豫了一下
Well, it's not exactly fair. 你这假设不公平啊
I mean, I have to get old. You don't have to get fat. 我变老是必然的  可你不一定会变胖
If I want to get fat, I get fat. 要是我想变胖  就能变胖
Okay, fine. And if you do, 那好  如果你胖了  
I'll be there. You'll see. 我也会守着你  不信你试试
Yeah, watch me. Watch me, how I get fat. 是啊  你看我怎么变胖
- I can get fat. - And I'll be there. -我能变胖的  -那我也会守着你
Good. 很好
- You wanna go back in? - No. -你还想回去看戏吗  -不去了
I got a better idea. 我有个更好的主意
Let's go salsa dancing. This guy's not that funny. 我们去跳莎莎舞吧  那家伙也不怎么有趣
Perfect. 好极了
We're good! We're good! I talked to Maintenance. 好了  好了  我打给维修部了
They're- They're- They're coming, so go on ahead. 他们  他们马上就来  大家忙去吧
See you guys. See you later. 再见  回头见吧
See you in school. Good to see you guys. 学校里见  见到你们真开心
Maintenance is gonna take care of it. 维修部的人会解决的
- So we're fine. - Okay. Okay, how long till they get here? -我们得救了  -好吧  好吧  他们要多久才到
I was faking it. No one's coming for us. 我是骗他们的  没人来救我们
Well, then, go and get them! Hurry! 那就去找人啊  快点儿
That was the most embarrassing moment of my life. 此刻是我这辈子最糗的时刻
Claire! Phil! 克莱尔  菲尔