《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第3期:情深自拔(在线收听

 Hey, Cam. Cam, where did we get this dolly from? 小卡  这个娃娃从哪来的

From Janice and Olivia. 珍妮丝和奥利维亚给的
They brought it over yesterday. Lily loves it. 她们昨天拿过来的  莉莉很喜欢
Seems a little frilly, you know, coming from them. 有太多"蕾丝边"了  就跟她们一样
What, because they're lesbians? 就因为她们是拉拉吗
That's sort of an offense stereotype, don't you think? 你不觉得这是偏见吗
Yeah, I suppose. I'm sorry. 是啊  抱歉
Oh, hey, did they bring back our coffee maker? 她们把咖啡机还回来了吗
No. It was too big. They were on their motorcycle. 没  太大了  她们是骑摩托车过来的
We got off to an awkward start with our pediatrician, 我们跟莉莉的儿科医生初次见面时很尴尬  
a very nice Asian lady- 她是个热心的亚裔女性
- Irrelevant. - Named Dr. Miura. -别走题  -叫作缪拉医生
So I took the bold step of inviting her over for brunch. 于是我冒昧请她过来吃早午餐
I'm sorry. Uh, bold? 抱歉  你说冒昧
She said no patient had ever done it before. 她说之前没有病人请过她
Yeah. Subtext, "This is weird." 是啊  潜台词就是"这很奇怪"
I didn't hear any subtext. 我不觉得有潜台词
Do you hear any now? 现在也觉得没有吗
I don't even know why we're doing this. 真不知道为什么要这样
Because what if Lily gets sick 因为万一哪天莉莉病了  
and there's a Tamiflu shortage? 抗病毒药又短缺了
Who do you think's gonna get that medicine? 你觉得谁会拿到药
The patient she likes, that's who. 当然是她喜欢的病人了
Well, maybe if you bake her a cake, 那你给她烤个蛋糕
she'll give us free X-rays. 也许就能免费照X光了
It's all about making connections. 要套近乎  搞好交情
Why do you think the dentist gives me all that free stuff? 你以为牙医为什么老免费送我东西
Um, because he's a huge queen and he has a big crush on you. 因为他是个女王受  对你情深难自拔
Really? Do you think so? 真的吗  你这么觉得吗