《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第6期:结交朋友(在线收听

 But won't it be fun if we did it with ski goggles and barbecue tools? 但是用上滑雪护目镜和烧烤工具会更有趣吧

- I guess. - Yeah. -应该是的  -对
- Yeah. Let's do that. - All right. -就这么干  -好的
Can I just say that is a lovely outfit. 我想说你这身衣服真好看
Oh. Thank you. 谢
Well, it's just nice to see you out of your lab coat. 你不穿白大褂挺好看的
You actually have quite a nice figure. 你身材很好
Take it down a notch. 差不多行了
We're trying to make a friend, not initiate a three-way. 我们是在结交朋友  不是找3P伙伴
Lily looks great. 莉莉看起来很健康
Do you think so? 真的吗
Shouldn't she have more teeth? 她的牙齿不够多吧
I see these kids running around at the park, 我看公园里跑来跑去的孩子们
and they look like sharks. 牙齿锋利得像鲨鱼
Don't worry. She's perfect. Aren't you, Lily? 不用担心  她很好  是不是呀莉莉
Oh, look how calm she is with you. 她跟你一起好乖
She's usually very fidgety around new people. 一般见到生人她都没这么安静的
Well, I just think she senses 她大概是觉得
you're gonna be a good friend for her... 你会是她在平日里
during good times and- and flu season. 和流感季节的好朋友
Mommy. 妈咪
Did she just- 她刚刚...
Did she just say- 她刚刚说...
Well, her first word... 她开口说的第一个字
was every gay father's worst nightmare. 是每一个男同父亲最糟的噩梦
- "Mommy." - Oh. -"妈咪"  -心绞痛