《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第7期:刻薄的人(在线收听

 Jay, he won't admit it, 杰  他不承认

but I know that Manny's sad because he's missing the party. 但是我知道曼尼因为错过派对而伤心
Why don't we take him somewhere to take his mind off it, hmm? 我们带他出去散散心吧
I could have guessed he'd have trouble with roller coasters. 我就知道他怕过山车
That kid gets woozy at barbershops 每次他坐在理发店的转椅上
when they spin his chair towards the mirror. 店员把他转向镜子  他都会头晕
How about we take him to the pier and go fishing, huh? Manny! 带他去码头钓鱼怎么样  曼尼
- He likes to fish? - Yeah. -他喜欢钓鱼  -是啊
He comes from a long line of fishermen and smugglers. 他的祖上都是渔夫和走私贩
But I encourage the fishing. 但我支持钓鱼
Manny, you like to fish? 曼尼  你喜欢钓鱼吗
Fishing? Yeah. 钓鱼  喜欢啊
You want to go to the pier today? 今天想去码头吗
- Is this a trick to see if I'm really sick? - No. -是要测试我有没有生病吗  -不是的
Maybe the fresh air will make you feel better. 也许新鲜空气会让你好受点
Well, then yeah, 'cause there's no place 那好啊  因为没有什么地方
- where I'm more at one with  - just get your coat. -能让我更加...  -滚去拿你的外套吧
- Are you nervous? - Shut up, Alex. -你紧张吗  -闭嘴艾丽克斯
I was just asking. I'd be nervous if I were you. 我只是问问  换做我肯定会紧张
Alex, leave your sister alone. She's gonna be fine. 艾丽克斯  别惹你姐姐  她没事的
As long as I don't get the same guy. He's so mean. 只要不是同一个监考员  他很刻薄
- You probably will. - You won't. -很可能会遇上  -不会
- He hates me. -He doesn't hate you. -他讨厌我  -他不讨厌你
- He yelled at me. - You drove into the bushes. -他吼我  -你把车开到灌木丛里去了
Oh, no. It's him. Please don't be for me. Please don't be for me. 天啊  是他  别叫我  别叫我
Please don't be for me. Please don't be me. Hi. 别叫我  别叫我  你好