《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第15期:探索宝藏(在线收听

 Still can't believe you lost my truck. 还是不敢相信你把我的卡车弄丢了

It's gone, buddy. Let it go. 没了就是没了  伙计  忘了它吧
You know, maybe it's better we don't solve this little mystery. 也许不去揭秘更好
Sometimes treasure's more sparkly in your imagination. 有时想象中的宝藏更诱人
Or it could be gold or baseball cards or pirate maps. 可能是金子  棒球卡或者海盗藏宝图
Do you really think there could be pirate maps under there? 你真的觉得下面可能有海盗藏宝图吗
I'm a hundred percent sure it's possible. 我敢肯定是有可能的
- All right. I'm going in. - What? -好吧  我进去  -什么
Really? Buddy. 不是吧  伙计
What do you see? 看到什么了
Nothing. It's really dark in here. 什么都看不见  下面真黑
Wait a minute. I think I see my truck. 等等  我看到我的车了
It's right over there by the- Uh-oh. 它的旁边是...
- What? - I think I'm stuck. -怎么了  -我卡住了
- How are you stuck? -My belt loop got caught on a pipe. -卡在哪了  -我的皮带挂在管子上了
- And it's hot. - Have you tried wiggling? -管子好烫  -试着摆动一下
Dad, it's hot! Hurry! 爸爸  好烫  快来
- I'm coming, buddy! - And hurry. There's spiders in here. -我来了伙计  -快来  下面有蜘蛛