《摩登家庭》第1季第17集 第10期:初恋女友(在线收听

 Oh, I brought you, um, some lifting intensifier. 我给你带来一瓶祛皱紧致霜

Not that you need it. It's a limited edition, 我知道你用不上  不过这是限量版
- Thank you. Thank you. - Never mind. -谢谢  谢谢  -不客气
Oh, Denise, I think you might know these people. 丹妮丝  给你介绍我的孩子
- Uh, that's Haley - Hi. -这是海莉  -嗨
- Alex and- - Luke. -艾丽克斯和  -卢克
I had curly hair just like that when I was little. 他的卷发和我小时候的一模一样
So? That doesn't mean anything. 那又怎样  说明不了什么
Why don't we, uh, come on in, have a seat. Please. 大家都过来  请坐
So what was my dad like in high school? 爸爸上高中时候是什么样子
Only the most amazing break-dancer ever. 他的霹雳舞无人超越
- No way. - Oh, don't fire it up. What? What? -不可能  -别刺激我  你看  你看
He had a boom box and a piece of cardboard in his locker. 他柜子里有一个大匣子和一块硬纸板
- And what was your dance name? - O-Zone. -你那个舞叫什么名字  -O型区
I drove him to his Star Search audition. 我开车送他去搜星节目试镜
Which is totally political, by the way. 顺便提一下  试镜就是走个形式
O-Zone. O型区
That is dead-ass funny. I'm so calling you that. 太搞笑了  我以后就叫你这个
Thank you. 谢谢
Wow. You really lucked out. 你太走运了
You have a beautiful wife, a gorgeous house. 美丽娇妻  豪华住房
And those kids- I could take Luke home with me. 还有一群孩子  我都想把卢克带回家去
Well, be my guest. 不用跟我客气