《摩登家庭》第1季第17集 第16期:脚踏两条船(在线收听

 "How was your day? My neck is so sore." "你还好吗  我脖子好疼"

Why do people keep adding voices to these things? 怎么大家都要把留言说的那么下流
I didn't mean anything. 我没别的意思
Are you telling me that I wasted a year 你是说  我在这段关系上
of my life on this relationship? 浪费了一年时间
What relationship? 什么关系
How many other women have you led on? 还有多少女人被你勾引了
No, I don't know! 靠  我怎么知道
Phil? 菲尔
Phil, honey. 菲尔  亲爱的
Do you remember when you broke your arm 记不记得  我们第一次约会的时候
when we were first dating? 你的胳膊受伤了
Yeah, uh, when I slipped on the ice. 记得  我在冰上摔倒了
Right. That's so weird. Because in this picture, 是啊  奇怪了  这张照片里
you're sitting with Denise and you have a broken arm, so- 你带着受伤的胳膊坐在丹妮丝旁边
Yeah, that's- that's weird. 是  是挺奇怪
- So you were still dating her when you started dating me? - No. -你和我约会的时候和她还没断呢  -不是
- Phil? - Yeah. Maybe. -菲尔  -可能是吧
There was a time, a little overlap... 有段时间  我横跨两条船
when, uh, I was trying to break things off with Denise. 当时  我打算和丹妮丝分手
You took me to Santa Fe. 那你还带我去圣达菲
Santa Fe? Phil, you told me that was your father. 圣达菲  你当时说是带你爸爸去
Okay, I know the pain is fresh, but the lie is really old. 我知道你们很"新疼"  但其实都是旧伤
You know, this was a mistake. I'm gonna leave. 我来就是个错误  我走了
Claire, if I were you, I would kick him out. 克莱尔  我要是你  就把他踢出家门
Maybe he'd appreciate you 可能他会更加感激你
more after he spent a lonely night in a hotel. 让他尝到孤身一人在酒店过夜的滋味
At the Radisson, by the airport. 在机场旁的雷迪森酒店