《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第1期:不同的教育方式(在线收听

 What's my favorite way to relax? 我最喜欢的放松方式是什么

Throw on my wireless headphones 戴上我的无线耳机
and disappear into the Nature Channel. 沉浸在自然频道的节目中
The young flatback turtle searches for food on the ocean floor. 年幼的平背海龟在海底搜寻着食物
This flatback, however- 然而这只平背海龟却  
The fascinating thing about nature... 自然的美妙之处在于
is how, in the blink of an eye, 在眨眼之间
it can go from a scene of total tranquil beauty... 可以从绝对的宁静美
to raw, primal violence. 变到原始的暴力场景
Can you seriously not hear me with those things on? 你带着这玩意儿真的听不到我说话吗
It's noise-canceling technology. Give it a spin. It's got- 这是消除外界杂音的技术  你来试试
- Sweetie, focus, now. - Mom, -亲爱的  专注  -妈
why are you freaking out on everyone? 你为什么对每个人都一惊一乍的
Because you are acting very irresponsibly- all of you. 因为你表现的很不负责任  你们全都是
Listen, honey. 听着  亲爱的
Luke has a giant project due tomorrow for school 卢克有个大型的课题研究要做  明天就得交  
that he hasn't even started, 但他到现在都没开始
and Haley just informed me 而海莉刚通知我
she needs 40 cupcakes for her school fund-raiser, 她要为学校的募捐会准备40个纸杯蛋糕
also due tomorrow. 也是明天要
I'd like to point out 我想指出一下
I completed all my assignments on my own and on time. 我独立按时地完成了全部学校作业
- Not now, Alex.  -Ok, look, -不是得瑟的时候  艾丽克斯  -听着
I will take the cupcakes. You do the project. 我来做纸杯蛋糕  你去做课题研究
- It's on Vincent Van Gogh. - Done! -主题是文森特·梵高  -成交
Ok, I need you to really stay on him. 好的  我需要你好好监督他 
Keep him focused. 让他保持专注
All right. I'm actually gonna take a different approach, but- 好吧  我打算采用一种不同的教育方法
Actually gonna insist that you don't. 我强烈要求你别那么做