《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第2期:最有爱的事情(在线收听

 Is this the cutest thing I've ever seen? 这真是我见过的最有爱的事了

You out here on the curb with your little telescope, 你拿着你的小望远镜站在路边
waiting for your dad. 等着你爸
It's not cute. It's-lt's science. 那不叫有爱  那叫科学
Tonight is the magnificent Lyrid meteor shower. 今晚是壮观的天琴座流星雨
It's where the planet Geek passes through the Nerdy Way. It- 就是"奇客星球"穿过"书呆子路"
Oh, you know I think it's sweet. 你知道我私心以为很美好的
Every couple years, Mitchell and his father go out 每隔几年  米奇尔和他的爸爸就会
and enjoy one of these showers together. 一起去看流星雨
Oh, I- I wouldn't necessarily put it that way. 我  我觉得你那样说是不合适的
I mean, yes, me and my father enjoy it, 我是说  是的  我和我父亲很喜欢那个
because we don't share a lot of the same interests. 因为我们其实没什么共同兴趣爱好
Like, um, I-I never went to sports games with him. 比如  我从来不跟他一起去看体育比赛
Probably because you call 'em "Sports games." 或许是因为你称之为体育比赛
- Just lose the "Sports." - Just- Just games. -略掉"体育"  -直接说"比赛"就好了
Oh, here comes your shower partner. 噢  你的沐"雨"伙伴来了  
Stop it. 别闹了
I'm kidding. Have fun with your dad, okay? 我开玩笑的  和你爸玩得开心  好吗
All right. See you later. 好的  晚点见
- Don't worry about me. - I'm not. -别担心我  -我才不担心
I'm just saying, if you were. 我只是假设你或许会担心
Shotgun, sucka! 副驾驶座已占  衰仔