《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第4期:越解释越失控(在线收听

 Cam, you need to relax. You explained. 小卡  你得放松  你已经解释过了

Not very well. 越解释越糟
You know how awkward I get when things get awkward. 你知道出现尴尬的事情时  我变得多失控
So when I said "Brown people," 当我说"棕色的人"
I wasn't talking about your, uh, brown people. 我不是在说你们这些棕色皮肤的人
I was talking about people who go to a university. 我是在说那些布朗大学的学生
Um, not your people. 不是你们这种人
N-Not that your people couldn't go to college. 不是说你们这种人不能上大学
Okay, now I'm hearing myself 好吧  我听到我自己  
say "Your people" a lot, so- 说了太多的"你们这种人"
Um, just very excited because this is, um- 我只是很兴奋  因为这是...
you know, this is our first night out together, 这是我们第一次一起出去过夜生活
so it's our little date. 算是我们的小约会吧
Where are we going? 我们这是要去哪儿
Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened... 先确保你的安全带牢牢系上了
and your tray tables are in the upright position... 以及你的小餐桌直立收起
because I got us into Palaiseau! 因为我们要去帕莱索餐厅啦
- Ah! Fancy! -I know. -好高级啊  -我知道
It's normally a four-week wait, 通常要提前4周预约
but the matre d' is an old Pilates brother of mine, 但那个领班是我在普拉提课上的好基友
so just one phone call. 所以只要打个电话就行了
Okay. 好吧
Palaiseau! 帕莱索
Ay, Cameron, you know what? 那个  卡梅隆  其实
I don't know if I'm in the mood for something so fancy. 我觉得我好像没心情去那么高档的地方