《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第5期:摆好龙门阵(在线收听

 Can we just go somewhere, like, more simple? 我们能不能去个  比较简单点的地方

Oh, uh, yes. Yes, of course. 噢  好的  当然了
We can- What were- What did you have in mind? 我们可以...你想去哪里啊
I don't know. 我不知道
How 'bout a little Latin place that I always used to go? 去我以前常去的一个拉丁小餐馆怎么样
- That sounds fantastic. - Okay. -听上去很棒  -好吧
I would love to see how your people eat. 我很想看看你们那种人的饮食文化
"Your people"? "你们那种人"
What is wrong with me? 我是哪根筋搭错了啊
Okay. It's egg-crackin' time. 听好  现在是打鸡蛋时间了
Now, I find the key to cracking an egg properly- 来  妈来传授你一个打鸡蛋的窍门
Mom, I'm not a child. I can do it. 妈  我不是孩子了  我会的
- Okay. - Okay. -好吧  -好吧
Okay. 好吧
My mom's not dumb. 我妈可不傻
You can't just ask her to do something for you. 你不能直接开口让她帮你做事
You have to very carefully put the cheese in the trap. 你一定要摆好龙门阵  坐等她上钩
Oh. Oops. I got a little shell in the bowl. 糟糕  我弄了一点蛋壳进碗里了
When that happens, I find that I like to... 发生那种事的是时候  我觉得我会...
- Do not do that. - I got it. It's okay. -别那样做  -我抓到了  没事
- Oh, that's- that's really gross. - Okay. I'm gonna- I'll do this. -好恶心啊  -好吧  放着  我来吧
You just mop up. 你擦擦手走人吧
And snap. 成功
Is it bad that I feel sorry for her? 我为她感到悲哀是不是不该啊