《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第7期:互相出丑(在线收听

 Kiddo, you are overthinking this. 孩子  你想太多了

I just don't wanna say the wrong thing. 我只是不想说错话
You can't. That's the beauty of having a brother. 不会的  那正是有兄弟的好处
Me and my brother were zinging each other all the time. 我和我弟弟总是相互抨击
You know, like, "What's going on, fat boy?" 比如  "什么情况啊  肥仔"
"Nothing much, jackass." "没什么  蠢蛋'
You know, things of that nature. 就像那样互相出糗
It's- It's how brothers express love. 那是兄弟间表达爱的方式
Shotgun, sucka! 副驾驶位已占  衰仔
Yeah. That's good. 哈哈  真有你的
I'm gonna see the sights. 我去欣赏一下风景
Not if they see you first! 别让风景先看到你哦
Kind of missed with that one, kid. 刚刚那玩笑没有笑点  孩子
All right. 好了
This is all you need to know right here. 你想知道的信息都在上面
Apparently, the pencil's in two pieces, 显然  铅笔杆一开始是分开的
and they glue 'em together on the lead. 然后才将铅锌放中间粘合到一起
What if we put all the stuff about his life on this side... 我们把关于他生平的材料放这边
and all the stuff about his paintings on this side? 关于他画作的材料放那边怎么样
Luke, buddy, that's fantastic! 卢克  小老弟  那太棒了
And the best part is, you came up with that by yourself. 最棒的是  这个主意是你自己想出来的